Emmanuel Gospel Choir Sharing the gospel through our songs

Le 21 avril 2015 à 19h00

Concert at Kirkwood Baptist Church (english)

St Louis, MO – USA

Emmanuel Gospel Choir hosted and joined by Community Gospel Choir for an Evening of Gospel Music – April 21, 7 p.m.

In February 2000, Emmanuel Gospel Choir was founded in Paris by Cecelia Stearman and Scott Sontag.

While Scott continues as president and pianist, the choir is now directed by Sarah Jeanmaire.

Returning to the United States, Cecelia founded the Community Gospel Choir in 2007.

Both choirs are committed to spreading the good news of the Gospel through their music.

The concert will have a combined presence of more than 100 voices from varying backgrounds, cultures, languages, and religious viewpoints.

Free and open to the public – Free offering will be taken

Come and be inspired!

Extraits de nos CD

EGC's US Tour 2015